Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Islam free speech
Here's another interesting article about free speech versus Islam. It is based off the controversy about the south park episode presenting Muhammad. Some college group chalked stick figures on themselves and called it Muhammad and said it was their right to free speech to do so and that south park was just doing the same ( I think). But the article goes on and has some good comparisons It's a little like sticking your chest out and claiming you beat up the school bully, when all you really did was pick on the little kid on the playground. The former may make you a hero. The latter makes you a jerk. Doing the latter while claiming the former, that just makes you a joke.""
The point it states clearest is It's not so different than saying that the black students on your campus remind you of the armed robber you saw on the 5 o'clock news because they share a skin color. That's called bigotry when it involves race, and it's called bigotry when it involves religion."" and I think that is quite true. All in all it is a good article, down to earth about how we seem to attack anything that's different or more restricted/ free than our own society or religion and claim it is under 'good' pretenses.

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