Sunday, February 28, 2010

Pooh and the Tao

I sat down to read THE TAO OF POOH by Benjamin Hoff on a Saturday evening after a long day at work. I would rather have been out with friends, but.....
I found I enjoyed reading the book and found it introduced me to and helped me understand the general tenets of Tao through the five main characters and their experiences. It helped me understand that Taoism can be applied to our daily lives and give insights into modern society and reflections on real live journeys. It can guide a person to prioritize life goals and give perspective when life seems to get too complicated.It can help a person appreciate what is really important in life.
The book is charming and funny. I understand Taoism Philosophy better and understand Pooh and Piglet better, too. Pooh guides to understand that life is not as hard or confusing as we sometimes let it seem. All the religious teachings and rituals in the world can at times, confuse the simple idea of what the meaning of a person's life really is and should be. It teaches us appreciation for the creation of the world, for nature, for friendships and family, for being.
The book offers simple ideas about Taoism and the balance of the universe. It is imaginative and the symbolism used in the book by Benjamin Hoff made it easy to understand and enjoyable to read. I plan to read it again and recommend it to others.

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